
How do I Access my Plesk Control Panel

  • 3rd May 2024
You can log into Plesk by pointing your browser to (replace with a domain pointed at your server). This will take you to a login screen where you can enter your username and password.If you are prompted regarding an untrusted connection, then this is because the SSL certificate is self-signed and your browser ...
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System Purging

  • 9th June 2023
Dear valued user,We hope this email finds you well. We will purge our system to remove expired hosting accounts and domain names from our server and billing system. We will also move some emails from our list. These emails last read our messages a year ago or 2. This is part of our ongoing efforts to ensure our services run smoothly and ...
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Joomla version 3.5 is finally here

  • 24th March 2016
Hi,The much awaited Joomla version 3.5 is finally here!Older Joomla versions such as Joomla 1.5.x and 2.5.x are no longer supported. The most stable and secure version of Joomla is version 3.5.The most notable features of this new Joomla 3.5 version that you might be interested in are;    Performance improvements    PHP 7 Support    ...
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Free .XYZ Domain Name

  • 20th August 2015
Get a free .xyz domain name today. All you need to do is to"1) like us on facebook  - Follow us on twitter - Reweet this deal 4) Place the order on and we shall get it activated within 24hrs.If you need help, kindly send us a mail or submit a ticket.Thank ...
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